Frank Petronio

Frank Petronio
Photographer and owner

Frank Petronio

Not only did Mihai solve my broken weblog emergency in less than 24 hours, he upgraded and improved the entire site's operation.

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MovableType Extra Facilities

Having worked with movable type for over 23 years (since December 2002), being Six Apart Partner and because we enjoy the type of work we do, at PRO IT Service we are always trying to think ahead and offer our customers a broad selection of extra facilities that could enrich their Weblog-driven projects.

Among these additional features let us just mention a few:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Related

  1. SEO Custom Fields
  2. Social Bookmarking Services Integration
  3. Google/Yahoo/MSN Sitemap
  4. RSS Feeds Setup and Subscription
  5. Tags and Tag Cloud
  6. Paginated Archives
  7. Online Tracking / Statistics
  8. Publicity / Pinging


  1. Blogroll
  2. Email Subscription
  3. Comments Subscription
  4. Threaded Comments
  5. Recent Comments
  6. Recommend to a Friend
  7. Registration and User Profiles
  8. AJAX Rating and Most Popular Automatic Display
  9. Visitor Count and Most Viewed Pages Display


  1. Instant Search
  2. Podcasting
  3. Printing Areas of Your Choice
  4. Photo Galleries and Photo Blogs with Movable Type
  5. Random Stuff Display
  6. Comment Live Preview
  7. AJAX Comments


  1. MyBlogLog
  2. Technorati
  3. Twitter Widget
  4. Author Picture Display

Monetization Programs

  1. Amazon Books
  2. Google AdSense

Feel free to check out any of these extra facilities.

Is there anything else you would like to build up on your Weblog-driven Web site?

Let us know by dropping us a line using the form below or using the following live support strip.

Live Support
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Let us serve you in the best way we can! Get it touch live or via email by either requesting a quote below or from our contact page.

Our Skype ID is: pro_it_service

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