Gilbert B. Hammer

Gilbert B. Hammer IPTV
Managing Editor

ProIT has provided our site with experts versed in Movable Typle be it for a custom application, or a generic update. ProIT has delivered for us.

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Google/Yahoo/MSN XML Sitemap

Would you like to have the ability to see Google's view of your website and diagnose potential problems?

With Google Webmaster Tools, and a Google Sitemap integrated into your Movable Type Web site you can view how Google crawls and indexes your site and learn about specific problems Google's having accessing it.

Potential problems could be:

  • Broken Links
  • Pages' Errors

In addition, see how your site is performing by checking which queries drive traffic to your site, and exactly how users arrive there.

Let us setup an .XML Google Sitemap for your weblog. Then we open an account with Google Sitemaps and set the account up so that Google will automatically pick up any new content you are publishing. This is a one-time operation. Once the job is setup, you do not have to think about it, Google will do its job automatically.

For addition information, or to see a demo of how this can work for your site please drop us a line here below.

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