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Another authority feature we would like to propose you is submitting your Web site to Technorati, no matter what blogging solution you are using: Movable Type, TypePad, Wordpress or other.

You may like to know first of all what Technorati is.

According to Wikipedia:

Technorati is an Internet search engine for searching blogs, competing with Google and Yahoo. As of June 2008, Technorati indexes 112.8 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media. The name Technorati is a portmanteau, pointing to the technological version of literati, or intellectuals.

According to Technorati itself:

Technorati is the recognized authority on what's happening on the World Live Web, right now. The Live Web is the dynamic and always-updating portion of the Web. We search, surface, and organize blogs and the other forms of independent, user-generated content (photos, videos, voting, etc.) increasingly referred to as "citizen media."

Submitting your Web site to Technorati is a procedure that any blogger should consider. When you hire us to do this job in your behalf, we will be creating an account for you with Technorati, then claim your blog (in Technorati this means a technical mean to prove to their service that you are your blog's owner).

Once we've established your own Technorati account and claimed your blog, optionally, we could get and display one or more Technorati widgets on your Web site.

Technorati allows you to get and embed on your Web site a couple of widgets. Among them, we are usually using the following:

1) Technorati Authority Widget

Want to assert your authority? Proudly show off your status as an authoritative blogger whose fluid prose rakes in link love by the bushel with our Technorati's new Authority Widget.

Technorati Authority Widget

2) Technorati Link Count Widget

Imagine if you could display the number of links to your site in real-time, updated live, for all your visitors. That's what you get with the Technorati Link Count Widget. It's a simple piece of code that lets you make your site or blog more dynamic.

Technorati Link Count Widget

3) Favorite Buttons

Help Technorati members mark your blog as a favorite with these handy buttons!

Technorati Fave This Blog


Technorati Favorites


Technorati Add to Favorites

Apart from the above, submitting your blog to Technorati has another great advantage.

By having us configure your publishing platform (i.e. Movable Type) to ping Technorati, it will automatically list a summary for all your future posts inside your Technorati profile page.

This in one hand would allow other Technorati users to get an idea about what you are writing, and on the other hand it will give you a good number of incoming links from a very well ranked Community Web site like Technorati.

I will conclude advising you to have us implement this authority feature for your project.

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