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Social Bookmarking Services Integration

Social networking services (also known also as online bookmarking services) allow your audience to easily bookmark your Web site pages online.

At the moment we are offering you integration of the following online bookmarking services:

BlinkBits, BlinkList, Blogmarks, Buddymarks, CiteUlike, Connotea, del.icio.us, Digg it, Earthlink, FeedMarker, Flog this!, Feedmelinks, Furl, Give a Link, Gravee, igooi, Lilisto, Linkagogo, Linkroll, ma.gnolia, Maple.nu, My-Tuts, Netvouz, Newsvine, Onlywire, RawSugar, reddit, Scuttle!, Shadows, Simpy, Spurl, Taggly, tagtooga, TalkDigger, Wink, Yahoo MyWeb

To include any other services just drop us a line at: bookmarking@pro-it-service.com

The online bookmarking mechanism is very simple. Your Web pages will have a strip of services icons with a few embedded technical parameters.


Digg This and Stumble Upon Social Bookmarking Services Strip Sample from NewsAndPolicy.com
* click on the image to enlarge
This is a Digg It! and Stumble It! Social Bookmarking Services Integration Strip sample from NewsAndPolicy.com

Social Bookmarking Services Strip Sample from JapaneseFoodReport.com
* click on the image to enlarge
This is a Social Bookmarking Services Integration Strip sample from JapaneseFoodReport.com

Social Bookmarking Services Strip Sample from BizReport.com
* click on the image to enlarge
This is a Social Bookmarking Services Integration Strip sample from BizReport.com

When a visitor would like to bookmark your Web page, for example, on Technorati, sHe will simply click on Technorati's icon.

Upon clicking the icon the visitor is brought to a page where they can login to the online bookmarking service.

After logging in or new account creation Technorati will automatically gather the page URL to be bookmarked and title, based on the parameters we will make available on your pages.

At this stage your visitor could associate a personal description with your page and save the bookmark.

What makes this facility worth having is that once somebody bookmarks a Web page all the people browsing that bookmarking service can see and follow the bookmark to your Web site.

The benefits to you are:

  1. the fact that people could easily bookmark your Web pages;
  2. that any other online bookmarking services users could reach your Web site.

Consider this service as another online marketing technique / gem.

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