Greg Raven

Greg Raven Racquet Sports

Racquet Sports Industry

I first became aware of PRO IT Service when it helped me out of a jam pro bono. I was immediately impressed by its depth of knowledge about Movable Type and MySQL, so after getting past the crisis, I hired PRO IT Service to help me upgrade a client with a customized Movable Type installation. Now, I'm about ready to move a huge Movable Type installation to PRO IT Service for hosting. I guess you could say I'm sold on PRO IT Service.

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Project Details:

Web site Development, coding Web site layout, implementing content management system, search engines compatibility for BizReport, prestigious publishing company.

Technical Specifications:

Web site Development using XHTML v1.0, CSS Level2, JavaScript, Apache Mods, PHP and mySQL programming languages

Web site development based on .PSD (Adobe PhotoShop Document) reference design provided by the customer.

Implementing and Managing Web site Content and content feeds

Using web site parameters such as quality standards validation to insure good Google and other major search engines indexing


Contracting from Agency ApS, Hellerup, Denmark


September 2006