Elisa Maulin TheLastPsychiatrist


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PRO IT Service is now partner of Six Apart Europe

Today was the second and last day of the "Le Web 3" forth edition conference here in Paris, France

I must say the conference was very interesting and I enjoyed it a lot. Cannot wait for the video registration to become available online so that I could link to it from here for whoever is interested

The main reason I’ve attended Le Web 3 this year is actually an invitation I’ve got from Six Apart to meet the whole team in person, get to know each other a bit and make official the partnership we’ve signed just a few days ago

Basically, for a couple of days my company is an official partner of Six Apart for Europe.

PRO IT Service - Six Apart Europe Partner
(here above there is a photo with the Six Apart team at Le Web 3, including Chris Alden which is the CEO and Chairman of Six Apart’s Board of Directors. I'm the third from right to left)

Here at PRO IT Service S.R.L. we are very happy that Six Apart appreciated the work we did over the last couple of years using Movable Type and the effort we’ve made to evangelize this excellent publishing platform

If you got to know me or my team you already know that we are not going to stop here! Among our plans there is a partnership with Six Apart North America since most of our customers come from the US market, and a few other wonderful initiatives related to making this product even more popular

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