Thomas A. Limoncelli

Thomas Limoncelli Everything


I am a professional system administrator but I use PRO-IT for installations, upgrades, and hosting to free up my time for other projects. It's like multiplying myself! PRO-IT's expertise in MovableType impresses me to no end. Even tricky things like moving from a static site to a dynamic site, or fixing strange Perl Library problems are no problem for them. I plan on using PRO-IT in the future!

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Elisa Maulin from

Elisa Maulin TheLastPsychiatrist

Customer since october 2007.

Recommends Mihai Bocsaru and PRO IT Service

My site went down, and I scrambled for assistance to get it operational. I found PRO-IT almost by accident -- one of its support staff had posted some advice on a forum -- and I emailed them looking for help. Within hours my site was up, and over the next few days, they helped me transform the site, taking it to the next level.

Originally hosted and managed by Yahoo!, the site grew bigger than the services they offered. PROIT did several important things for me:

They changed the layout of the site to give it a more professional appearance and improve the flow of the content. Internal links are logical and obvious.

They helped manage my Archives, making them not only more accessible, but visible, so that people could decide what to read based on the title, not simply by date.

They helped manage my comments, separating it by color and allowing nested comments which made discussions more logical and orderly. One very helpful addition was a comments widget, which added recent comments, no matter where they were posted, to also appear in a sidebar on the frontpage. This allowed older posts which did not appear on the frontpage to remain active in discussions.

They managed my social media widgets, providing larger widgets on the front page that tallied upmods, as well as polishing the link system on the permalink pages.

They set up and managed my RSS feeds.

They switched me to a faster, surprisingly more reliable hostig service (I was on Yahoo!, which didn't even support more recent versions of MT.) Pair Networks has been reliable. On some days traffic was particularly high (Digg front page, VSL) and there were no problems handling the load.

And, most importantly, they update and manage the MT architecture, upgrade as new versions come out and create patches as needed-- even before I find out about them.

PRO-IT was perfect for my site, and I highly recommend them to everyone.

Customer URL:

Customer from:
Gladwyne, Pennsylvania

Testimonial written on:
December 20th, 2008