Greg Raven

Greg Raven Racquet Sports

Racquet Sports Industry

I first became aware of PRO IT Service when it helped me out of a jam pro bono. I was immediately impressed by its depth of knowledge about Movable Type and MySQL, so after getting past the crisis, I hired PRO IT Service to help me upgrade a client with a customized Movable Type installation. Now, I'm about ready to move a huge Movable Type installation to PRO IT Service for hosting. I guess you could say I'm sold on PRO IT Service.

Home ›› Portfolio ›› AG Land and Water Development Division

AG Land and Water Development Division

FAO / AGL Land and Water Development Division


Project Details:

Development of Prototype Web site for AGLW (The Land and Water Development Division), department of FAO (Food And Agriculture Organization)

Technical Specifications:

Web site Prototype Development using the HTML v4.01 and CSS Level1 programming languages

Cross-platform compatibility (operating system + internet browser)


Sub-contracting via IKONOS New Media (, Rome, Italy


November 2001