Stephen Albert

Stephen Albert Harvest To

Harvest To Table

PRO-IT has helped me with all of my web site and blogging needs and it's a pleasure to recommend their services.

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David Churchill from D Churchill LTD

David Churchill

David Churchill D Churchill LTD

D Churchill LTD

Customer since november 2008.

Recommends Mihai Bocsaru and PRO IT Service

I had a strong design idea for my website and had put my old ones together myself but I did not know how to do more advanced things.

For example centering the site both vertically and horizontally, fading in images and having small animations.

I found Mihai online and thought his service was exactly what I needed, and it was.

He was able to turn my photoshop design into a working website.

He coded the site using xhtml and css without tables and supplied 7 different templates from which I then added my own content.

After a few teething problems, many of them from my own inexperience, which Mihai sorted out, it works perfectly.

I am now asking Mihai to look at recoding my other site.

Customer URL:

Customer from:
Brighton, United Kingdom

Testimonial written on:
February 10th, 2009