Jen Pleasants

Jen Pleasants Show The Love Media, LLC


Mihai rocks! I have so enjoyed working with him. He is smart, professional, efficient and thoughtful. His recommendations have enhanced my business, and I am grateful for everything he has done for

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Paolo C. Conti from Cedites

Paolo C. Conti

Paolo C. Conti Cedites
Journalist. CEO


Customer since september 2008.

Recommends Mihai Bocsaru and PRO IT Service

After deciding to use Movable Type for the implementation of two new blogs, we searched for a partner online. Pro It Service soon emerged as as a good choice because of the combination between solid tecnical skills and a reasonable price.

The collaboration proceeded smoothly. We briefed Pro It Service about our needs and we waited for the results. The output was fully satisfying. Pro It Service created a good original template for the first blog ( and implemented easily and precisely our template for the second (

The Movable Type integration was perfect, so it was the platform management (MT upgrade, integration of new tools and widgets). The hosting, also provided by Pro It Service, is world class, as is the post-sale tecnical assistance.

I recommend Pro It Service as a reliable partner for blog and website development with Movable Type.

Customer URL:

Customer from:
Milan, Italy

Testimonial written on:
January 7th, 2009