Elisa Maulin TheLastPsychiatrist


PRO-IT was instrumental in taking our site to the next level. They kept us current with the latest upgrades and patches, redesigned the site for efficiency and design, and added features, such as a comments on the sidebar widget, which kept traffic high.

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The Weblog Project

What is a blog? TheWeblogProject - the first open-source movie documentary about blogs and bloggers.


Project Details:

Switching content management system, developing additional facilities, optimisation for search engines for The Weblog Project (TWP)

Technical Specifications:

Switching content management system from WordPress into MovableType

Implementing and Managing Web site Content and content feeds

Using Web site Parameters Improvement to insure good Google and other major search engines indexing

Maintained periodically


Contracting from IKONOS New Media (http://www.ikonosnewmedia.com/), Rome, Italy


July 2005 - November 2005