Greg Raven

Greg Raven Racquet Sports

Racquet Sports Industry

I first became aware of PRO IT Service when it helped me out of a jam pro bono. I was immediately impressed by its depth of knowledge about Movable Type and MySQL, so after getting past the crisis, I hired PRO IT Service to help me upgrade a client with a customized Movable Type installation. Now, I'm about ready to move a huge Movable Type installation to PRO IT Service for hosting. I guess you could say I'm sold on PRO IT Service.

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Movable Type Author Picture Display

You may have seen some blogs around the blogoshpere where together with the article title, date, content also the author picture is displayed.

Displaying the author picture together with the article it is a feature that we consider part of building up your weblog 'authority'. We've built up this feature for your Movable Type Web site.

What is even nicer about this feature is that in case your blog has multiple authors and some don't contain a picture associated with their profiles, then we could either display a dummy image or don't display anything at all for these authors.

Author Picture Display Sample

Movable Type Author Picture Display Sample from AdmissionsQuest

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